Back pain is the most common injury seen in Physiotherapy clinics. It is estimated that over 80% of adults report lower back pain each year, and that as a result, 8.9 million working days per year are lost. It is now the leading cause of long term disability in the UK.
Back pain is generally a symptom of something else that is underlying. Usually, this is a ‘mechanical’ issue, such as an incorrect movement pattern, but it could also be down to degenerative changes, inflammation and muscle strains. The good news is that it is almost always successfully treated with Physiotherapy.
The spine is one of the strongest parts of the body and it is designed to move. Rest or staying still in fact will impede recovery, as the spine needs to move! Despite being in pain movement little and often can really help. Flare ups of pain are very common heat, pain relief and gentle movement can help you manage a flare up.

As Physiotherapists, we take a deep look as to why you are in pain, whether that be a movement issue or something else. Once we have found out what exactly is causing your pain, we can formulate a treatment plan to fix the problem.
Treatment for back pain varies, depending on the underlying cause of the pain. Conservatively, exercise has been shown to be highly effective to long term back pain management.
Below, you can see a video of the top exercises to try for lower back pain!
Ultimately, it is all about trying to normalise your spinal movement to relieve pressure and pain. Correct movement patterns are essential for the long term relief of back pain.
Read on to find out more about some of the things we can do as Physiotherapists to help!
All in all, Lower Back Pain is something that can be very effectively treated. You should not have to live in pain.
3 Exercises to help Spinal Movement
1. Knee Rolls
Lie on your back with your knees bent to a 45 degree angle, slowly roll your knees to the left and the right to mobilise the spine. You may feel discomfort or a pulling sensation this is normal, start of gently as you restore the mobility in your spine you will be able to move further. Hold 2-5 seconds and repeat 5-10 times.
2. Pelvic Tilts
Lie with your back on the floor in a neutral position with your legs bent and toes facing forward. Draw your tummy button towards your spine by flattening your back into the floor. Then tilt your pelvis and arch your back the opposite way. Hold for 2 – 5 seconds repeat 5-10 times, you can also do this movement in sitting. Pelvic tilts will help segmental movement of the spine.
3. Knee Hugs
In a lying position, on your back, with your knees bent and relaxed. Pull one knee up to your chest and hold for 2 -5 seconds, repeat on the other side. As this gets easier change the starting position to lying with your legs straight. The next progression is to pull both knees up at the same time.
If you would like more information or an assessment please email or phone 07809232195 to arrange an appointment.